Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Bad Habits Suck

When I was home in Nova Scotia two weeks ago, I had my first day in months without coffee. I'd slept in at my parents, and only ventured out late in the afternoon. Eventually I met up with friends at the mall, only to experience a general feeling of fogginess and a headache like my brain being sucked through a straw. I complained to my friend, who shot back an immediate diagnosis: "You're going through caffine withdrawl".

I was shocked. Was I actually addicted to coffee? It would make sense, I used to boast about how much coffee I drank in university. And since working at Starbucks I've found Tim Hortons offerings to be watered down and insufficient. Now, the idea of being addicted to anything doesn't sit well with me, but since coffee is a self-inflicted drug I was doubly annoyed. I've been trying to cut back recently, but even as I type now I can't stop thinking about venturing out for my second cup of the day. Possibly to the Second Cup. It's right around the corner...

Speaking of bad habits, there's someone I keep thinking about, and I really shouldn't be. Anyone got any suggestons for that?


At 4:28 PM, Blogger Isabel said...

Caffeine is SO easy to get addicted to. I think most people don't think they really are. I don't drink coffee, but Mountain Dew is crack cocaine to me!!

The only way to stop thinking about someone you don't want to think about is...time.

Good luck.

At 4:48 PM, Blogger Ian said...

Time you say... Maybe I'll take up a habit. Like drinking coffee.




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