Saturday, July 08, 2006

My June, In (Grainy, Low-Res) Pictures

Hey everyone. I realize that traffic on this blog has slowed to a virtual crawl. I blame the fact that I've been genuinely busy for the past month or so, coupled with my earlier reluctance to post when I'm in a bad or depressed mood. So that ruled out June. But I'm back, and determined to fill you in, my friends, family, and blogging audience, on the past 49 days. Plus, digital-camera-phone fun!

First off, my temp data-entry job at KPMG turned out to be much more temporary than even I suspected. It finished abruptly, so I no longer had an excuse to rub elbows with the powerful, hyper-tense, Type-A personalities down at BCE Place. Spiffy lobby though.

So I was back out on my own, forging for myself. Never an exciting prospect. Add to that an unseasonal heatwave (plus a roommate who constantly reminded me of said heatwave) and it was not a fun week. As you can see, Scott's cat Sketchy took to planting himself inches from the window fan in my room. Seriously, I would leave at 9 in the morning, and return to find this:

So I decided to take a bit of a mental holiday, spending a couple of days with a new friend. Luckily I still had shows going on at the Bad Dog, and with my kick-ass sketch troupe. In fact, you can see below a low-res pic of the photo shoot we did earlier this month. That's us, standing knee-deep in beautiful and pristine Lake Ontario.

I burned those pants.

But that's not the best part. The BEST part is that as of last week, Approximately 3 Peters have reached the web. That's right, we're the latest jerks with a web-page! It's located at, and hopefully sometime soon we'll have some actual content (as opposed to just a nifty web design courtesy of Peter's brother).

So let's see what happened next... (I'm literally flipping through my daytimer, trying to remember). More shows, more working random shifts, including the night we all had to spend 5 hours cleaning the theatre from top to bottom. Luckily, our bosses got us drunk. The perks of working in a theatre/ bar. I spent a lot of time just hanging out around the city, snapping some neat pictures. Like this nativity display I found in front of someone's house in Little Italy.

Or this spiffy, futuristic shot of the RBC Building:

Or this, from when I was patrolling the city's rooftops meteing out vigilante justice:

But then, a plot twist! Remember how I usually use this blog to complain about not being able to get any acting work, and how everyone in Toronto can go to hell? Well all that changed when I was cast in a Subway commercial. That's right, I'm officially shilling for Subway Pizza!

Here's my co star, the super-duper funny Fraser Young (seriously one of the best stand ups I've ever seen).

And here's the top-secret set (so, uh, don't tell anyone).

As you can see, that's one pretty intense camera they've got set up. Apparently it's a Panavision Genesis II HD Digital Camera, this specific unit having been most recently used months previous to film Superman Returns. That didn't really have any effect on the commercial or my perfomance, but any excuse to link myself to the Man of Steel is welcome in my book.

So let's see. Blah, blah, blah... more shows, started my improv workshop this month, yadda yadda. I did get to go to the Dora Awards, thanks to my friend Brandy having an extra ticket.

It was good times, and I got to watch The Lord of The Rings win an impressive 7 awards. Then, I got to read the newspapaer as the show closed 3 days later, and the producers blamed everyone from Toronto's theatre critics to border security. Luckily someone had the courage to stand up to their childish whining, and wrote a letter to some editors (which you can see here, and here).

Lastly, I had a big audition last week for a little comedy theatre where I've been known to sell some tickets. No work for Ian, but I did score a callback, which for the time being will serve as ample encouragement. Plus, I got some amazingly kind feedback from my fellow improvisers and the general director. Go me!

So that's been my past month. In closing, I leave you with a picture of a fantastic brie and avacado sandwich my friend Mim made for me one time. It is seriously sandwiches like this from kind friends that keep me going in this world. Later, y'all.


At 11:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hooray for fame for Ian! Hooray!!!

At 4:31 PM, Blogger Alastair P. Forbes said...

Wicked blog! I didn't realize you had one! I'll add a link to yours on mine... if you know what I mean [dirty wink and an elbow rub]

At 9:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

your not the only one who can read blogs! I can read too!

blogblogblog! readreadread!

At 9:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yay for all the improv and Subway commercial fame!



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