What's On My Mind
So I am gonna write, sorry, blog in a second about my fascinating experiences as a paid film extra earlier in the week. But I do want to tell you guys about something else first. I was trolling the net for international breaking stories... naw, just kidding. So I'm watching "The Daily Show", and I see a story about a new film that's just been released overseas. It's called "Kurtlar Vadisi Irak", or in the common tongue, "Valley of the Wolves Iraq".
It is a violently Anti-American film which depicts "trigger-happy US troops massacr(ing) civilians at a wedding party"... "firebomb(ing) a mosque during evening prayer," and doctors "removing human organs from Iraqi prisoners to send to patients in the US, Israel and Britain". This fiery polemic is gaining popularity in the Middle East, starting in its country of origin... Turkey?!?! What the fuck? I thought the US and Turkey were friends? At first I would have assumed this movie must have come out of Iraq itself. Or possibly Iran. Or Saudi Arabia.
Anyways, why couldn't Iraq have made this film themselves? Is this a sign that the American liberators are being gradually welcomed? Or... have their film studios all been blown up? Either way, what's up with Turkey? Other than the July 2003 arrest of Turkish special forces in Sulaymaniyah, Iraq by American troops, upon which the film is based. And how did Turkey manage to snag Billy Zane (as an evil commanding soldier), and Gary Busey (as an even more evil... sigh... Jewish doctor. That's not gonna help matters). I mean, we Canadians fall all over ourselves when we can snag Tori Spelling in a Movie Of the Week. How did Turkey of all places manage to get the Phantom and the bad guy from "Under Siege" to appear in their anti-American propaganda? Perhaps it's the film's 10-million dollar budget, equal to roughly the entire combined budget of every Canadian film produced this year. Including "ReGenesis".
Who knows, maybe the Turkish are on to something? Why can't we do the same thing here in Canada? I can see it now: "The War of 1812" Starring, uh... Alec Baldwin as the nefarious American General John Quincy Adams (in my film, he uses kittens for target practice. Canadian kittens). Also starring Don MacKellar as Admiral Sir George Cockburn (legally, he has to appear in every Canadian film ever. In fact I heard they're digitally re-inserting him into "Porky's"), and General Robert Ross will be played by young up-and-comer Ian MacIntyre (my movie, my casting). It'll be great. We can raise the money somehow (Canned food drive? Or get rid of Medicare). But look at it this way. Creating an angry pro-Canadian rallying-cry which will raise jingoistic fervor while destroying what good American will we have left - $10 million. Having Canadians actually watch a Canadian film - priceless.
Wow. That went on for longer than I expected. I'm sure your eyes are as tired as mine. I'll write about being an extra tomorrow (or rather, later today). I promise. G'night.
Oh...in the movie..don't forget about the drunken canucks burning down the white house...gotta be one of my favourite bits of canadian history!!!
PS ~ Daily Show rocks! Only way to get american news...that and through 'social networking'!!!
oh...and check out about the Turk film....
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