Saturday, February 04, 2006


Hey loyal viewers. So, I've recieved some feedback that my last post was a bit on the cryptic side. This should prove once and for all that I shouldn't post on this blog after I've had a few drinks. For the record, I had just come from doing a show with my group Approximately 3 Peters. It was late, and I felt that the other group on the bill (Mrs. Chicakaburn's Old-Fashioned Comedy Cookies, who had ivited us to open for them) had really shown us up. Not in a mean way, but in a "they obviously have put a lot of time and work into their sketches" way. Which is not to say that I don't feel the boys and I work hard; I guess I just always wish we could work harder.

Of course, I could always work independantly and motivate myself. But that's just crazy talk.

This brings me back to my point about making changes. Recently I've been feeling like I left my rut behind in Halifax only to create a whole new one here in Toronto. Halfway across the country and two years only to develop new bad habits. So that's why I want to make changes. Here are all the things I want to change (in no particular order):

- my hair
- my wardrobe
- my wireless phone provider
- my apartment (I love it, but 2 years in 1 place is a long time)
- my day job
- my physical fitness (and by extension, my diet)
- my sleeping habits
- pretty much my entire financial situation
- the direction of my entire career

So that's the task I've set out for myself. Shouldn't be a problem. I should have this all taken care of well before 2007, just in time for Year of the Ian.

So last night we opened "Lord of the Things" at the Bad Dog, and it went surprisingly well. I say "surprisingly" because I never got a chance to run the show from beginning to end, and therefore was mildly concerned that I would single-handedly destroy the entire evening's proceedings. But they went well (in spite of our first act running 15-minutes too long - that's improv for ya). My highlight of the show (not by me) was Tom as "the Elf" and his Elfen Ballads - basically slow, mournful versions of anything from "Hotel California" to "99 Luft Balloons". My highlight of the show (by me) was midway through, when I (playing the Dark Lord) talked with the audience. There was a young boy in the audience, Nicholas, to whom we went for all our audience suggestions. I was killing time, telling various audience members what role they would play in my future evil kingdom:

"You sir, shall be the Duke of Agony! And you madame, shall be the Countess of Mischief! And you Nicholas, shall be the... Minister of Agriculture! Bwah-hahaha!"

It was a fun show, and it'll only get better when we get our timing down a bit more - I mean, we were perfect! A finer comedy show has never, nor will ever again grace the earth (except for next Friday, and every subsequent Friday after that. $12, tell your friends!)

Not much else going on. Cooked the best stir-fry ever on Thursday (wait, that should read "Cooked my best stir-fry ever").I had a weird audition yesterday: It took me all the way from my apartment on a 45-minute bike ride across town. When I arrived at this warehouse-like film studio, I was handed a street hockey stick and instructed to "mess around" with the other guys. Slowly, other young men trickled in also to be presented with hockey sticks. Even though I have absolutely no ability playing hockey, I'm the brother of a guy who has lots of hockey ability. "I got this audition sewn up" I thought. Apparently not. Luckily, it was soon determined that all of the other guys auditioning were just as, if not more, athletically inept than I was. Neil, you would have been proud of me. Or really, really embarassed.

So I had a fun miday workout, followed by another 45-minute bike ride home. This time, up hill.

ps. Congratulations to Riley, who just wrote her LSAT's today. At least, I hope congratulations. Either way, we'll get drinks.


At 4:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ian... If you want a room-mate for a new apt. give me a call.


And I like your hair these days.

At 6:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well - a bike trip of that length should certainly contribute to the fitness angle...
Not sure about the hair but I'm open.

At 4:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Run away from cockroach land! I did. :P


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