Friday, December 09, 2005

Yesterday Yesterday Yesterday

Just now I was walking across King St. at John, and I looked over at the hot dog stand I often frequent. Surrounding it were a dozen or so people, holding signs so that passing motorists would see. Turns out the were trying to protest the on behalf of the two Canadian hostages being held in Iraq. One of them had a sign that read "FREE THE HOSTAGES", but from across the street in the dark I thought it read "FREE THE HOTDOGS". Interestingly enough, even though I thought they were protesting said hotdog vendor (as opposed to near said vendor) it still made me go buy a hotdog 5 minutes later.

Last night was our first solo-produced Approximately 3 Peters show, and it went fan-tastically. We had a good little house, and the first act, My First Crush, turned out to be great. And my roomate, Greg, totally kicked ass on the ghetto-light and sound system that the Oasis has (our sound was being run off of his discman).

I don't like producing shows. I enjoy seeing them come together, and making my own opportunities to perform. I do not enjoy how anal-retentive and crabby I become right before the show. One thing I've been discovering about myself recently is how much of a control freak I can be when I work with others. I offer to take on too much responsibility, then snap at people when I get stressed. Hmmm... sounds like someone I know.

Oh, and the "Funniest Thing to Go Wrong at the Last Minute Award" goes to the Eye Weekly Magazine. The listing I sent to all the papers read thusly:

ROCK HARDER! Approximately 3 Peters (Peter Gal, Pete Hill, and Ian MacIntyre) presents an evening of sketch comedy, w/ My First Crush! Dec. 8th, 8pm. $5. The Oasis, 294 College. 416-975-0845

I understand that comedy listings are a free service, and that they need to be edited for space. But come on Eye Weekly:

SKETCH NIGHT Feat Ian Macintire. 9pm. $5. Oasis, 294 College. 416-975-0845.

Forget that they put the show time as 9pm (instead of 8pm). "Ian Macintire"?!?! Not only do I look like a megalomaniac, but I look like I can't even spell my own name properly.

(on a holiday appropriate note) Good grief.


At 8:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could you possibly have been referring to me - control freak etc....and I thought the blog was going to be a means to improve parent and child communication....
Still love you anyway...
Mother of Ian


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